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Thursday, November 4, 2010

"i think you're ABNORMAL."

Define Abnormal?
How would you react when your best friend, out of the blue, called you an abnormal?
Would you feel hurt or grateful?

Me and my closest friends were having fun in our favorite cafe. We were laughing about things that we usually laugh about, talk about our friends who are very busy in their work and people who chose to leave our side and sought comfort in somebody else's  shoulder. As it was getting late, two of our friends needed to go home. So, my best friend and I were the only ones who were left behind. Our conversation went from comical to very serious life related experiences.

After tackling some of our similar point of views in life, we were both fell silent. As I was sipping my iced latte, My best friend suddenly told me, " I think you're abnormal." 
I was stunned not really sure what I heard was right. I stared curiously at her. Thinking that she was probably right.

She then  supported her theory, she related:

"When i am looking at you, i always thought that you might be abnormal, but not in a bad way. I was thinking that when i was at your age (20), i was already flirting with boys and had several boyfriends already. Always thinking about my appearance and cute boys. But you, as if you are trapped in your own world not thinking about how you look or how boys see you."

For me, that was enough for an explanation. I know myself very well, or perhaps not too well but enough, enough to know that my best friend's perception is the same on my own observation about myself. 

I admit, I am abnormal, abnormal in the sense that i am not trying to pattern my way of life to mainstream life of young adults nowadays. Possibly because of my childhood, the things I saw and absorbed when I lived in an inconsistent world full of chaos and pleasure, suffering and happiness, joy and sadness.

Now, I'm proud to say that I am abnormal! Knowing that I can think for myself and have the guts to do so without anyone influencing me. 

I'm very thankful that my best friend stayed by my side knowing that I am ABNORMAL!

That's what you call friendship!!

(trivia:my best friend is almost a decade older than me. but she doesn't look any older than me though.)

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